“Let Your Truths Set You Free” by Donia Youssef and Jenny Rayner




The book ‘Let Your Truths Set You Free’ is a book that you can pick you up when you feel life is too much and you don’t know how you are going to get through the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week! The future is a daunting place for you, and we hope by bringing you some true stories of inspiration and resilience to give you hope in those dark days. Stories of real struggle and fight to victory, to come out the other side and go on to achieve love and self-worth. It gives you a feeling of ‘if they can do it so can I…’ Showing you that out of adversity there is light, and sometimes you need to take it one day at a time, and it all begins and ends with you. You are the master of your ship, and you have the control of steering it in whatever direction you want it to go. You need to know your destination – HOPE.


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